In today's class we started off by doing a quiz on graphing quadratic function's, something that we all should know by now. wrong!! Once our sheet's were all handed in Mr.P went over one of the questions on the Smart Board. the question was: y= 2(x+4)²-1
Here's the solution: .....Well, I've been trying for the past 15 minutes to copy paste a picture of this solution and it is not working. I'm tired and lazy, so give me a break. just click on this link and you can see the solution on the second page from the top.

So, anyways, after Mr.Piatek was finished explaining how to do this question he asked for a show of hands to see how many people thought they got their quiz question wrong. After the majority of the class, myself included, raised their hand to show that their answers were wrong. Mr.P took the quiz papers and ripped them in half!!
Once everyone finally realized what happened after the initial state of shock that we were in, we continued on with the lesson...
One by one a member from each group went up to the Smart Board and answered one of the questions that we worked on the day before. This was useful because we got a chance to learn how to use the Smart Board and get more familiar with it. And it also showed that we know what we're doing when it comes to graphing quadratic functions.
In today's class we didn't really explore anything new in the topic of graphing quadratic functions. It was more of a review day, part of it was because today's class was 20 minutes shorter.
Although today's class was shorter, we still got homework. Mr.P gave us a work sheet to work on that is just to help us better understand how to graph quadratic functions. He also assigned us questions from our exercise booklet. Both of these things are due for tomorrows class!!
P.S: Sorry there are no pictures. I'm not as good at blogging as Neil, Jessie, Melissa, Shelly or Phoebe.

P.P.S: I hate doing homework after Volleyball. So if I fall asleep in your class tomorrow Mr.P, don't blame me...

Mr p, how do i find the calculations for the iphoto project? Like did you want actual measurements or i can just make them up?
ReplyDeleteActual measurements.