Monday, October 31, 2011

Hey peeps i'm tired............. it's 3 am and i'm hungry
I don't know why i'm doing this so late should of done it earlier but you know psssssssht tumblr :p
so anyways it's Halloween and I hope the teacher gives us candy ;) if not then

I forgot to say my name it's Angelo and i'll be showing you how to do Trigonometric Eqautions

Trigonometric Equations

First thing you need to know is the Cast ruleIt is very important that you know this rule or you won't be able to answer the question

The Equation we are doing is the first example in the booklet and the equation is:

*Before we move onto the first step you need to know that this equation is gonna be Q1 and Q2. If you don't know why it is in these quadrants, it's because Q1 and Q2 are the only two that have a positive sin.*

The first step in solving this equation is to multiply this equation

* Do not know what happen but the picture should say Sin*-1 (0.78615) ok lettuce move on.

The results by multiplying should be
This is your reference angle it also represents Quadrant 1

The next step is to figure out for Quadrant 2

You must subtract 51.827 degrees from 180 degrees to get your answer
*For Quadrant 3 you must add to 180*
*For Quadrant 4 you must subtract from 360*

OK After solving that you have your answers for the Quadrants you needed to find out for. In this case I rounded both answers to the nearest tenth

I'm going back to sleep goodnight :D

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