Thursday, December 15, 2011

Solving Systems of Equations

Heey Guys its bronson here from your pre-cal 30 s class and i couldnt do the blog properly soo yeah.... In class we learned Solving Systems of Linear Equations: Two equations , Two unknowns

You will have 3 methods os solving your function graphing, substitution, and elimination the steps we learned are these

1.Solve one of the equations for one of the variables
2.Substitute this equation into the other equation and solve for the second variable
3.Substitute this value into either equation and solve for the first variable
4.State the answer as an order pair

Soo here is our equation



Soo step one solve for one of the variables lets use 4x+y=1 Move 4x to the other side isolating the variable y=-4x+1

Step 2 plug it in

3x+2(-4x+1)+8=0 (Solve)



Bring 10 too the other side making it

-5x=-10 (divide the 5 to get x alone)


x=2 (now check again)


8+y=1 (bring 8 too the other side isolating y)


y=-7 (Now check both x,y writing it as (2,-7))



1=1 check !! =D

Soo now you are done and thats what we learned in class today !! now off to bed since we got precal tomorrow first thing PS. sorry its not all fancy but my computer has a virus and it was too slow trynna add other stuff soo sorry its kinda cheap but thought that counts right ;;) BAAAAI !!

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