Thursday, September 29, 2011

Hall of Famer for September

Please cast your votes for the hall of famer of the month.

And the winners are:

1. Jhelene - 14 points (3 bonus points)
2. Adam & Melissa - 9 points (2 bonus points each)
3. Robbie - 3 points (1 bonus point).


  1. #1.Jhelene
    I don't exactly remember if im supposed to vote HERE AND NOW or not and I'm not sure if im supposed to just pick one person or three sooo...I blame my short term memory!!! O.o

  2. uhhhh..
    1. id say melly but she's smart she doesnt need bonus points LOL just keeeeding.. :)
    2. jhelene :) cuz i like the panda

    am i supposed to vote for 3??

  3. i vote the same as blaine...1.jhelene, 2.adam, and 3.melissa

  4. 1. jhelene
    2. phoebe
    3. melissa

